Mindful parenting: 6 effective ways to teach your child to be mindful and emotionally resilient

Empower your child with mindfulness and emotional resilience. Discover six effective ways to foster these essential skills for a balanced and fulfilling life.

In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, nurturing mindfulness and emotional resilience in children has become more crucial than ever. As parents, we play a fundamental role in guiding our children towards a balanced and fulfilling life. A study in the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology found that mindfulness skills improve self-regulation and cognitive control. Mindful parenting strengthens the parent-child bond and promotes emotional intelligence, coping skills, and positive behaviours.

By incorporating mindful parenting practices, we can empower our little ones with the tools to navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and inner strength.(Unsplash)

Therefore, by incorporating mindful parenting practices, we can empower our little ones with the tools to navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and inner strength. Let’s explore some effective ways to foster mindfulness and emotional resilience in children, equipping them with essential life skills that will serve them well into adulthood.

Ways to teach your child to be mindful and emotionally resilient

Manish Behl, mindfulness expert, spiritual thinker, motivational speaker and author, shared with HT Lifestyle, six mindful parenting tips to help your child develop a growth mindset, understand their thoughts, emotions and navigate challenges in a healthy way.

1. Be a role model for your child

The best way to teach your child mindfulness is to model it yourself, start by incorporating mindfulness practices such as meditation, breathing exercises, or gratitude journaling into your daily routine. This will inspire your children to become mindful in their own lives.

One way that this plays a role in success is that it helps individuals build stronger relationships. People with high EI are better able to understand and empathize with the emotions of others, which can help them build trust, communicate more effectively, and collaborate more successfully.

In addition, EI can help individuals manage stress and overcome challenges. People with high EI are better able to regulate their own emotions, which can help them stay calm and focused in stressful situations and make more effective decisions

2. Build emotional awareness

Help your child recognize and express their emotions and feelings in a healthy manner. Encourage them to share their feelings with you and listen mindfully without judging or criticizing them.

3. Encourage empathy and compassion

Empathy and compassion are essential qualities to develop in your child. By teaching your child to put themselves in other people’s shoes, you can encourage them to consider others’ feelings and perspectives. You can try exercises like asking your child to describe the other person’s perspective and what they may have been going through.

4. Cultivate gratitude and kindness

Gratitude and kindness are positive emotions that can enhance your child’s mindfulness and happiness. Teach your child to appreciate what they have and what others do for them. Practice gratitude together by sharing what you are thankful for each day and asking your child to write thank-you notes.

5. Daily playtime

Love your child unconditionally and carve out some valuable time for your child to play and spend time without any restrictions or expectations. Listen to them with full attention and join them in their play and follow their lead.

You can also introduce some mindful games or hand-brain coordination activities, such as colouring, puzzles, or sensory exploration. This helps them develop their creativity and critical thinking skills, which are important for mental growth and emotional resilience.

6. Make mindfulness a habit

Mindfulness is not a one-time practice but a habit that needs to be developed over time. Get your family involved in daily mindfulness activities together like meditations, mindful meals, mindful walks, or relaxation before bed. By cultivating mindfulness as a family habit, you can create a supportive environment that helps your family thrive and maintain emotional balance.

With the challenges of modern parenting, it can be difficult to know where to begin, but by adopting mindful parenting techniques, you can empower your child to handle stress, adapt to change, and develop resilience. Embark on your Mindfulness journey today and witness the positive impact it has on you and your child.

Excerpts from article published in  Hindustan Times

About the Writer


Manish Behl: World Renowned Mindfulness Master & Leadership Guru

Manish Behl, a globally acclaimed mindfulness and emotional intelligence expert, makes this your reality. Ranked among the world’s top 10 mindfulness teachers, he empowers leaders and individuals to unlock their full potential.

He is an expert in transforming stress into focus, anxiety into calm, and negativity into purpose. He is the visionary founder of  Mindfulness India Summit, Asia’s largest mindfulness and emotional intelligence summit, and  founded theMindful Science Centre – a hub for research, development, and training in mindfulness and leadership 

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